This is life

This is life. Sometimes it is great, sometimes it is bad. But during all those times, there is always somethings that we all like to say. So this is me. Saying what I want to say.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Would you just talk please?? =)

I really don't know what is wrong with me, but over the last couple of days, I have been trying to write this blog post for over 4 times. Each time stopping, re-reading, and deleting everything I did because I just didn't like it. But this time, I think it is going to work. So...please, bare with me... =) 

We are humans. Duh. But one of the coolest things about being humans in my mind is that we are able to Talk. To communicate with one another. It's a tool that we use to make, and build all of our relationships in life. It's actually a really big part of how the human society works..(at least in my world.)'s not just saying a simple 'hi', or 'how are you' to someone on the street. Its a whole lot more then that. There's actually a better word for it that I love to use. Communicating. It means we talk to other people about what's actually going on in our lives, and how we feel. Tell them things that shows you have trust in them, and when the person you are talking to replies, it shows that they also have trust in you. 

We never really realize how big a part that communication have in our lives, but if we stopped for a moment to take some time to ponder it, you can really see it. We talk all the time during the day. We see friends, family, and our significant others, and we just talk with them. We laugh, cry, share our pain and sorrows, or converse about our joy and happiness in life. We do all that by talking, and showing emotions to them by communicating. It's definitely not the only way, but it is certainly a really big part of how human interactions work. 

Have you ever notice that if you meet someone, and sort of become 'friends' with them, but never really 'talk' with them, the friendship kind of becomes awkward or disappears after a while? In my opinion, it's because you guys never gained trust in one another. Being able to have a conversation with another person helps build a relationship, whether it's just friendship or something more. 

When you talk to others about something more then just a simple 'hi', it shows that you respect them, and trust them to care about what you are talking about, and respect it too. And respect and care is always the foundation of a good relationship, no matter what kind it is. If you feel like you can trust in another person, then you will want to be friends with them. But if you don't feel like you can trust them, then that friendship eventually goes away. And in my mind, the only way you can avoid that is by talking, and building that foundation of friendship with them consistently. 

Let me explain why I feel that way...and then I will ask you a couple of questions, so be ready. =) 

Really love this quote 
I love people. That is just the sort of person I am. I am not saying this to make myself look cooler then I actually am, because trust me, I am not. A lot of things is wrong about me, and I have many difficult trials happening all the time. But the one thing that always keep me going is knowing that there are people that love, and care about me. 

I love interacting with my friends, family, or just some random person standing in line for the bathroom. Talking to them, and learning more about them on a deeper and individual level always gives me joy. For me, there is nothing more enjoyable, or better then sitting down, listening and talking with a friend. It doesn't matter what the topic is. It could be happy, it could be sad. They can be telling me about a wonderful dating experience, or some hard trial they need guidance in. It doesn't matter. All that matters is that they are sitting down, and actually talking to me. 

When someone can come to me, and talk to me, it tells me that they have trust in me. They respect me so much to tell me a little bit more about their lives, and that makes me feel so honored and loved. And because of that, I communicate back to them. I trust them so I tell them stuff about myself, and open up my feeling to them. And that also is part of the joys in communicating. Feeling the trust that forms from talking to that one person or group of friends

This was just too cute..=)
Now, here comes some questions for you. Take some time, and think about this. What do you like about human interactions? Do you like talking, and having a conversation with a close friend or family member of yours? Do you feel like you can trust them, and they can in return trust you? How strong is the foundation of trust and care with the people in your life?

I don't know about you, but I know that for all the people I care and love, my foundation with them is solid. I love communicating, and I want all of them to know that. And most of the time, they do, and that feeling is just so awesome, it just can't be explained clearly on this blog post.

But what is clear to me, and now hopefully to you also, Communication and talking is really important. It's one of those hidden, golden tools that we don't usually remember that we have in our posessions. But it is such an important one, and one that should always be used, in the correct, and loving way. 

A beautiful explanation of the beauty in
communication. =)
I hope that by reading this blog post tonight, you have opened your eyes to one of the most beautiful gift that our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ has given to us. We as humans, are so smart, and prized in their eyes, they gave us the golden apple to have wonderful relationships with others, build in the foundation of hope, love, and care. =) And that right there has to be one of the most beautiful and wonderful part of human life. 

I really do love communicating, and truly believe it is such a big and important part of human interactions, and just life period. I hope that from now on you will communicate a little better. Hold on to that wonderful golden apple of yours and show others that you care, and trust them by talking, and understanding them. =) Because at least for me, when you talk to me, I feel that you love me. <3

Try you best to communicate better, and deeper. Try your best to show others your love for them in your own way, and also in the way of talking. And just like always, just try your best, to be your best. Because as always, I am. =) You are amazing! Don't forget it! =) 


Sunday, May 13, 2012

The magic of small miracles... =)

Okay, so I know I've talked about this before, but because of how big an impact the small and simple things had on my life this week, I decided I was going to blog about it here goes. =) 

Have you ever had your day made just by simple small talk with your roommates, or a kind and loving hug from one of your good friend? Or just share a quick smile with a fellow student during class? It could even be something like when a nice gentleman or lady opening for you. For me, those tiny little things are the ones that matter the most. 

Over the last week I've realized that as we go through life, there are so many things we have to deal with and fight through. Because of that, we tend to forget the tiny little things that makes our lives a little better, and a little happier. We face all kind of decisions and all kind of trials, making it hard for us to see how much we actually have in our lives. We go through our days, being bogged down by all our responsibilities, we forget to see what truly should make us happy. 

Just for me, take some time right now, and start to think about your week. I know...I know what you're thinking.."oh no...she's making me think again!" But seriously..just take a moment. What has happened in your life this week? Was it a hard couple or days? Did you have a lot of stress, and times when you were feeling down? If you did, what did you do about it? Did you just let the negative feelings fester and eat you up, or did you started looking for the small little positive things in your everyday? 

And while you're thinking...I will keep talking. But keep thinking. I will come back to this question...

This week for me, there were so many times where just a small action of service or love totally made my day. It was quite a confusing week emotionally, and academically. I kept looking around me for some big miracle to come in, sweep me off my feet, and fixes all my problems. But of course, since this is real life, that doesn't usually happen. So, I got quite upset and annoyed as the week gone on. It got to the point where I just broke down crying, wondering why 'everything' was going wrong. 

It was at that moment when I realize that 'everything' wasn't wrong. I mean sure, life wasn't going quite as planned, but hey, it wasn't going 'wrong.' What was wrong was my attitude and thinking towards the problem. I was so focus on wanting a huge miracle, I was blind to all the small miracles around me. 

So, I decided to stop what I was doing, sit down, and write down 10 things that made me smile and a little happier that day, and here is the list:

The sun was shining

There was Beautiful weather all around me
A warm hug from my awesome roommate
Laughing with friends
A great time at lunch
A loving conversation with my sister
Productive class time
Homework was all done on time
Delicious Ice-cream to make my belly happy
and a very Comfortable bed...
(granted, i was laying on bed while writing this list..) 

I love happy lists... =) 
You might look at this list, and see that everything is very simple, and usually doesn't make much difference at all. But for me, right after writing down this list, I felt 10 times happier. It wasn't because all my problems was solved, because obviously it wasn't. I felt happier because I suddenly realize that there was a lot of happy things happening in my life. They were small things, but really, who doesn't like a warm hug, or a nice bowl of ice cold ice-cream? They were just small and simple things, but really, after thinking about it, they were the only things I needed to make my day happier, and better. 

I finally realize that when life gets hard for me, I always start looking for some big magical solution, so that I wouldn't have to go through the headaches and pain of overcoming the trials. But that usually doesn't work. Because as always, that isn't how life works. 

There usually isn't a big happy magical solution that just comes in to gather our problems and trials, and just throws it all away. That wasn't how Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father designed the world and the Plan of Happiness. To gain the happiness from the promised plan, we need to go through the big, scary trials, so we can grow and become our own workers of magic and miracles...figurative speaking. But really, when we fight through our trials, we understand how to overcome them, so that when the next trial comes, we can have those beautiful magical powers, and fight through that easier and better then the last time. 

But we don't do that by just preforming this big magical act. We do it by small and simple things. There is a great scripture that I love: 

It's a great quote, and it is so true. By the small and simple things in life, we bring into our lives happiness, and clarity for us to bring about the great things we can all accomplish and have throughout our time here on earth. 

So, now I am coming back to you. What has happened in your life this week? Did you spend time looking a big miracle, or did you spend sometime looking at all the small things that made you smile, and a little happier? Was it really that bad of a week now that you took sometime to think of all the small act of kindness around you? I hope it isn't. I actually hope that in the last 5 minutes, your week actually became lighter, happier, and brighter by thinking about the small and simple things.
This simple picture makes me real happy..
How about you? 

There are soooooo many things around us that can just make our total day. And there are soooo many things that we can do for others to make their day or week. So lets try to be a little more open to see the kindness others gives around us, huh? And let us be a little better at giving happiness and strength for people in their lives, so that they can see the light and beauty that the small and simple things can have in their lives. 

I hope that this post could of open your eyes a little bit more to the wonderful, small, and simple things in your life. I hope that you will try a little better to not be bogged down by the lack of big, huge miracles in our lives. I hope you can try your best to enjoy the small and simple things within all the big scary trials and bumps we call life. =) Try your best, to be your best. Because as always, I am. :) Love ya'll! 


Thursday, May 3, 2012

There are no coincidences..

Okay, so let me give you guys some background information as to what I am talking about tonight....

It should really say:
Caution: Bumpy Life ahead...
Over the last couple of months, things just haven't been going too smoothly. I mean, just because you see my smiling every day at school or church doesn't mean my life is just dandy and perfect! (which I am sure you realize, and understand because we all have our own trials... =/) But slowly, things have been getter because of a couple of things. 

Number 1: I am actually making some decisions on my own now, and owning up to myself after 18 years of being too selfless.. (trust me...that can really happen...) 
Number 2: I have been so blessed with so many amazing people and friends in my life. All of them have done so much for me, no matter if the act was small or big. I don't know what I have done to deserve them, but I just feel so lucky to have so many amazing people around me all the time!
Number 3: I have started to rely on the gospel more then I ever had before. Especially over the last month or so. I kind of been getting pretty bad at going to church and stuff, but I have been making a lot bigger effort to go, and I have found the Love I have been missing for so long. I can't believe for the last 2 semester I decided to see if I can just do things on my own...because the obvious answer for that is: NO! 

So ya, those are the top three things that have been making such a big difference and change in my life right now. And I am actually going to talk more in detail about the last two...

So you know that movie "Kung Fu Panda"? It's probably one of my favorite animated movies of all time. It's funny, interesting, exciting, and it teaches a couple of valuable lessons. Two of my favorite lessons from the movie is to never ever give up, and that there are just no accidents or coincidences in life.
I love Master Oogway! 

Lately, the one guidance from the Panda movie that has stuck out to me the most is that there are no coincidences in life. I mean sure, not EVERYTHING in life has a purpose or meaning, but some of the time for the most important stuff, they all happen for some reason.

Think about your life for a minute. Are there people or experiences in your life that has just changed you, or affected you in a way that you would of never imagined? I know that for me, there certainly has. There has been people that has come into my life in the last couple of months that has just helped me so much to grow as a person, and a Daughter of my Heavenly Father. 

Over the weeks just before winter semester ended, and during finals, I needed so much support and strength just to get through each and everyday, and thankfully, there was always someone there for me. I just have so many wonderful friends, and a family that is always there to give me strength, and to support me in times of needs. Whenever I needed a smile, a hug, or just a listening ear, someone was always there. It doesn't matter what time of the day/night it was, or if they were busy, I could of always counted on them. And because of that, I couldn't have gone through the rest of the semester without them. And I Know Heavenly Father knew that too.

He loves me so much that he'll put people in my life that could have brought back the light into me, no matter how hard life still is. It wasn't a coincidence that my I got to know and become close to my friends when I did. I truly believe it was meant to be. I have gained such a strong testimony over the last month of how much our Savior and Heavenly Father actually loves us. 

There was a time where I didn't really believe or understand the love that our Heavenly Father and Savior has for us. But now, more then ever, I understand and truly believe that he does. I don't have the strongest testimony, but for this one doctrine, I know of it's truthfulness. They love us so much, they will do anything for us to get back with them again. Things that happens in our lives that change us, mold us, and support us to become a better person is the doings of our Heavenly Father and Brother. There are no coincidences for things like that. I know that to be true. And I think that is just so freaking amazing! =) 

It is so cool to realize that no matter what happens, there is a plan for all of us. Our Father above really knows each and everyone of us personally and individually. Isn't that just so cool? He put trials and hard times in our paths to make us stronger, but during those hard times, he also gives us help and support by sending us to the places we need to go, and giving us the strength that we need by putting the right people in our lives at the right time. 
There are so many people who just crosses through
our life every single day. Sometimes it's just
meant to be, and others not so much.
but either way, whenever, or where ever they come,
they always leave foot prints. 
And like always, that works the other way around. We never know if we are put into somebody else's life just to help them out with something they are struggling through at that exact moment. Heavenly Father always has his children here on Earth to help each other out, in whatever way that they need. And if we are in tune with the spirit, and opening ourselves out to other people, we can really be a great example to other's lives, and become a big part in their support system. 

I know that our Heavenly Father loves all of us so much; it is at a degree beyond our imaginations. Every human being that has ever lived on this earth is truly loved and care for by our Father and Savior above. No matter what they have done or accomplished in life. I know, trust me, I know that there are trials and hardships in each and everyone of our lives. But that is okay! It is because they love us that they give us challenges to walk and struggle through.

"Just when all seems to be going right, challenges often come in multiple doses applied simultaneously. When those trials are not consequences of your disobedience, they are evidence that the Lord feels you are prepared to grow more. He therefore gives you experiences that...polish you for your everlasting benefit. To get you from where you are to where He wants you to be requires a lot of stretching, and that generally entails discomfort and pain." 
~ Richard G. Scott

Things might not seem the best right now, or later in the future, but no matter what happens, it will all turn out for the better, and you will become such a better person because of it. When tough things happen beyond your control, just remember that it's because He feels you are ready to grow, and become the Son/Daughter He knows you can be. And if you only trust in him, you can do things beyond your wildest imaginations. 

Look at all the people around you. See all the changes that has happened in your life. Open up your eyes to see all the support and strength around you. Not only the support you having your life, but the support that you GIVE for other peoples lives. Because once you realize the blessings you have for others, you will see and understand the blessings you get from them in return. I know that no matter what, there is always people, and experiences all around us that is giving to us by our Heavenly Father above, just to guide us and to strengthen us. There are just no simple coincidences. 
Love! =) 

I am not saying that just because you found a penny on the ground, something amazing is going to happen, or stuff like, that isn't what I am saying all. I am just saying that we all have things in our lives that are just meant to be. People and experiences that are truly there just for us to help us in the exact way that we need. And the most awesome thing is that we can also be there for someone else, in the exact way that they need to be helped and supported. 

I truly believe this, and I truly love it too. It makes me want to try my best each and every day to be there for someone else, and to be part of their 'coincidences..' I hope you will too! Try your best to never forget the love our Savior and Heavenly Father has for us. Try your best to remember that no matter what is happening, everything is going to turn out great at the end! I love you! Just try your best in everything that you do. Because as always, I am. =) 


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