This is life

This is life. Sometimes it is great, sometimes it is bad. But during all those times, there is always somethings that we all like to say. So this is me. Saying what I want to say.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Just think before act

Okay, so I was just sitting here writing a post on something completely different, when something happened, and a new thought cross my mind. And now, that thought just won't leave, so I have to start all over again, and actually write about this so I will be able to sleep tonight. 

Okay, so I know that this thought
doesn't have anything to do with my post,
but I just really like it! :) 
Anyways...I was going to write a post on a topic that I feel really strongly about. I really think that I have my opinion, and I want other people to hear it. Just because it is a point of view in a group on minorities, it doesn't mean it's wrong. But the whole problem is that. I am the minority. I am the smaller one, and I can't make that big of a difference. All I can do is sit here, and do what others want, and think as other think because there is only one of me. Which really sucks, and it got me thinking of something else. 

And here is the thought: even though someone wants something different for themselves at that exact moment, ignoring what others wants and need; doesn't mean other people feelings and thoughts don't matter. Just because they are the bigger one, and meaner one, doesn't mean other people always have to kneel at their feet, and do as ordered. 

We all have Agency. And we all have feelings. We all aren't ruled by one person or group because that one specific group wants everything done their way. We have to stand up, and care about ourselves. And not only ourselves. We have to build up our courage, and care about others that are being taken advantage of also! If we never stand up and say no, we will always be stuck in the same place, being picked on, and laughed at. 

I think that all of us sometimes get in way over our heads, and start to get a little cranky and mean. But that isn't the point where we should start pretending we are the boss, and make everybody feel worst about themselves. That is the time to stand up, and try to do something for others. Serving always bring a little light to your heart. Serving and kindness brings the spirit closer to us then the attitude of the devil. In this world, not everything is about ourselves. There are always other things for other people we can attend to. 

Being mad, upset, or angry never gets us anywhere. It never does anybody any good. And what is worst is if you start taking out your anger on somebody else. That goes beyond bad. That could hurt someone very badly, whether physically, or emotionally. I think that all of us can do a little better in this area. Attitude and temper can always get away from us. But in the end, they never do us any good. We can always act as the boss, and order everybody around, but that won't help anything. 

Whenever we get to that point, we should always pause, and actually think about what is the consequences of the action we are about to make. Because you never want to do something you can't ever take back. We don't want to give an image to others that isn't really who we are because of one stupid, but simple action. I mean, that just doesn't seem fun, or fair to us, does it? In my mind, serving, and resolving the conflict is so much better then wallowing, and throwing attitudes everywhere. If we all can just think like that more, most of the issues that arise in all our lives would be so much easier! 

I know that maybe most of the things I said tonight doesn't really flow, and doesn't really makes much sense, but I just really want to get it out. I just got really tired of being taken advantage of, and having attitudes thrown at me left and right. I am tired of always doing things for others just because they are bigger then me. I want it to change. And I guess that is the only reason I am writing this tonight. I just want it to stop. I want to be myself, and I want to stop being the punching bag. That is all. 

I hope that even though it didn't make much sense, this post helped you out in the way you needed. I hope that you will read this, and make a promise to yourself to never be the person that orders others around. I hope you will make up your mind, and remember to serve others always, even though you just want to be served yourself. I hope that in everything that is happening to you, you are making the best of it. I hope you are trying your best in everything you are doing. Because as always, even though it is hard, I am. :) Trying my best, and being my best! :) Have a great night!!!! 


1 comment:

  1. The minority can definitely make a huge difference no matter what "they" say :)
    You make a difference everyday with your acts of service. Thank you :)


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