This is life

This is life. Sometimes it is great, sometimes it is bad. But during all those times, there is always somethings that we all like to say. So this is me. Saying what I want to say.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The little things...

Meaning I should stop whining... :) 
Okay, so I admit that this title is a little weird. It sounds really whiny, but seriously! I am in quite a whiny mood today! I just spent the last week writing 3 HUGE essays, and studying for 2 tests! That is a whole lot of stuff!!! I mean, it might seem like it's not, but it really is! And on top of that, I have chemistry homework due tonight at 11:59 PM, which I should actually be doing, but after such a hard week, there is no way I am going to work on it right now! I don't feel like it at all, so I am not going to! So...I decided to write in my blog instead. I like writing. It is simple and therapeutic, and that is what I need at this exact moment.. Not Chemistry homework! So there! I know that whining is not the best thing to be doing at this exact moment, so I guess I am going to stop, and get back to blogging. :)
Forget about yesterday, and try to live today,
because no matter how hard you try, you just can't change the pass. 

Anyways, other then this week being completely crazy and frustrating, nothing else exiting really happened. I have nothing special to blog about, but this week, I did find some really inspirational quotes that I want to share with you guys. These quotes really helped me along the way this hard week. It made me see the good things in the world, other then just keep focusing on the narrow point. It was just the little things. Just some sayings that brighten my day a little. They taught me a lot, and made me see many different things.  Overall, these quotes are just amazing, and I want to share them with you. :) 

All of us have busy lives, but if we take a moment out of our lives, 
and try to see the little things that matters most, '
it will make those big things seem just a little better. 

Life is too short to be worrying about things that we can't control.
It is tiring to try to understand everything. All we can do is just live,
and try to be the happiest that we can be. 

Are you cherishing your life?
Do you understand everything
in life happens for a reason? 

Are you doing your best to make life worth it? 

You have to work in life.
You can't just expect people to hand you everything you need.
The point of life isn't to sit there and expect things to magically appear.
The point is to learn, and to grow. 

Stand up for what you believe.
Stick to your own beliefs, and defend it when you need to.
After all, if you don't have your own opinions,
and beliefs in life, what do you truly have? 

YOU decide. No body else. You are in charge of your own life;
 not only the people that are in your life, but everything that has to do with your time here on earth.
You choose. Your responsibility. So, choose right.
Don't regret later, because you might not have a later. 

I hope you can read these quotes, and learn from them. Hopefully they will make you feel better if something is wrong, or that they may be able to shine some lights into your life if you are feeling dark. No matter what you are going through, and no mater what you are feeling, there are things in life that just make things a little better. Even if it is simple as little quotes on a picture. Every little thing counts. Life is too short to waste it on bad things. Open up your eyes, and focus on the whole picture. See life in a better light. It makes things just a little better, and really, that is all you need in a dark and scary situation. I know this isn't the most inspirational post ever, but I just thought it was important to share this with you tonight. 

It's so pretty! :) It just makes me smile. ;) 
All of us have worries, and all of us have trials, but sometimes if we just take a step back, pay attention to little things like quotes, everything just seems that much better. Not a whole lot, just a little. I truly believe that. All it takes is some simple things. A hug, a smile, laughter, love. That is all I need. You can believe what you want to, but for me and for my own life, I believe in the small and simple things. :) What do you want in life? What do you believe? Are you trying your best to figure it out? Are you doing your best to live life to the fullest, even though it means you are paying attention to the small things in life? I am. I am trying my best to be my best. And I encourage you to also. Well, that is all I have to say! Good night! 

With all my love,

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