This is life

This is life. Sometimes it is great, sometimes it is bad. But during all those times, there is always somethings that we all like to say. So this is me. Saying what I want to say.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Lord's own timing....

So, it's been a while since I have posted anything huh?? 

Well, first let me apologize for being lazy, and incompetent in my blogging skills lately, and I promise that I will start doing better from now on. =)

Second, I decided that each week to keep up with my blogging, I will put out an inspirational post for everyone who still reads my blog. haha... I am currently in a New Testament class for school, and the teacher is just so amazing in his words, and teachings. Every single class inspires me to be better, and do better, and always teaches me a lesson that I know will make me a better person for the rest of my life. 

So, instead of keeping those valuable lessons within myself, I decided to share it with the rest of the world.

Sometimes in life, we wonder why things are so hard. We wonder why we have spent so many nights on our knees asking for answers, and blessings, but they still haven't come.  Sometimes things get so dark that we begin to get jealous of others that seems to be having more blessings then we are. It is during those times when we have to remember that the Lord Jesus Christ and our loving Heavenly Father knows all that is going to happen.

In Acts Chapter 3 of the New Testament, there is a parable about a layman. Day after days, years after years he sat by the gates of the temple mount. It was within those exact years  that Jesus was preforming his mortal ministry. Now...think about it. How many times must have the Layman watch Jesus preform miracles of healing for the blind and the disease? How many time must he have thought to himself, "what is wrong with me? Why can't I be healed?" Also, another point, think about what must have been within Jesus' mind when he sees that layman sitting there by the temple gate, thinking about that poor layman that will one day serve a bigger purpose then he knows. This one cripple man, older then the age of 40, will one day become the instrument for the Lord to bring  1500 men unto the gospel.

Now, here is the coolest part of the parable. After Jesus' resurrection and ascension up into Heaven, Peter and John continued their way to preach the gospel to the Jews. Their daily route includes a trip to the temple grounds right at the praying hour. As they were climbing the grand staircase up to the temple grounds that day, the Layman put out his hands, and all he asked for was some alms. 

Now Peter, poor and rich-less, said unto the Layman "Gold and Silver I have none, but I say until you, rise, stand, and walk." Now, again, I ask you to think...this man who haven't use his legs all 40+ years of his life, they must be disgusting and deformed. But as Peter reaches his hand down to pull the layman up, his feet was filled with strength, and up he went skipping into the temple grounds, singing with joy, and praising the Lord. This man that hasn't walked his whole life, who has been wondering through all his years why he wasn't healed by the Lord himself, was finally walking, and for the first time entering the holy grounds of the temple. This miracle for him that happened out of the blew, beyond his imagination of timing, completely changed him, and everyone that saw him walk on that very day. Because of his faith, he himself brought another 1500 Jews into the gospel. 

I guess the moral of the story is that yes, we have trials, and yes, we have questions. Sometimes...well most of the times we ask those questions, and expect to get an anser but never do. Sometimes that answer isn't what we want, or expected. And the truth doesn't matter! The Lord knows it all, and he preforms his miracles and gives his answers according to his own time. He knows what is in store for all of us, and he knows what we are capable of even if we don't. So next time when you want to ask the question why....stop for a moment, remember of his all knowing power, and ask instead 'what.' 

Ask him what you can do for Him, and what you can do for other children of God. Ask him What you must do to become better, to be that child of God he knows you are. Instead of wanting to know of the instruments of God, become the instrument of Him. =) Trust in his timing, and trust in his love, because no matter what, he will help us, guide us, and answer all our questions. I know this for the truth, and I love it with all my heart. 

Once again, Try your best to be your best! =) I love you guys~ 


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