This is life

This is life. Sometimes it is great, sometimes it is bad. But during all those times, there is always somethings that we all like to say. So this is me. Saying what I want to say.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Love... questions and no answers....

It is such an complicating thing. There are so many different forms of it, and how they all interact in each human's lives. We all have our fantasy of what we want true love to look and feel like. We imagine a perfect fantasy world where our prince charming comes in riding on a beautiful white horse, and sweep us off our feet. He then takes us to a beautiful palace, and we live happily ever after. :) In real life, we always search for that one person that makes it the ideal situation for us. The boy/girl with the beautiful hair, and gorgeous eyes. The person that can make you stop in a middle of a sentence, not remembering what you were going to say next. The dream guy/girl that comes and makes all your problems go away. Or that one friend or family member that makes your whole world? Your own parents that can come and solve all your problems? The love towards the people around you and what they stand for. Is that love? 

With all our different dreams, do we really stop and think about what love truly is? The deep meaning of it, and what it stands for? Does it only mean the feeling of your heart skipping a beat when your other half is there? Or is it something deeper with more meaning, and a whole lot more complicated? And then there are other kinds of love like family love. What does that relationship really mean? Does it only mean a group of people living together as a family, and therefore everybody should love each other? Or is it a deep bonding feeling that holds your whole world together because you all feel it?? 

These are the questions I keep asking myself lately. I don't really know why, but in the past couple of weeks, I keep thinking about the word love, what what it means to me. All kinds of love.  Like the love I have towards my family, or my hobbies. The crush that I have on this really cute guy. How big of a part is love in my life? How much of what I do depends on the level of love I have towards the activity or person? How much would I give up for my family? How much do I love myself, and will do for my own personal gain? So ya. Lots of questions. So today I decided that if I am just going to ask all of these questions over and over again and drive myself crazy, I should just write it all down in my blog, so maybe in the end I will feel better. 

Okay, so this was my own definition of love:  
When somebody truly love and care about somebody else, they will do all that is in their power to make the others happy and feel loved. No matter what, if you truly love somebody, you will always be there for them. You will help them through all their trials and heartaches; and you will laugh with them through all the pleasant surprises in life.

I don't know what you think about my definition, but for most of my life, I thought it was a great way of describing what Love means to me. But lately I realize something. If I do all I can for the people I love, and make sure that everybody around me is happy and satisfy, when do I get to take care of myself? How much is too much love? If I love myself, shouldn't I be doing all I can for myself also? But why does it seem like that as I am trying to make sure that everybody around me is happy, I tend to forget myself in the process? When is it the time for me to step back and realize that sometimes, what I do for people that I love might be just a little too much? If it hurts me when I try to make others happy, then is it time for me to stop? 
Just when is it right for the stop sign to show up in my face?

I find that it is so hard to make everybody around me happy. I can't do it. If I do one thing for Bob, then Mary gets mad because I didn't do something for her. If I try to to make James happy, then Jane gets made because I forgot about her. How can I solve everything in the world? I can't just split myself in two to satisfy both of them right? Or I just can't make sure that all my friends are happy at the same time because no one is ever satisfy all the way. If I do try to please everybody and love them all the my fullest extent, then when do I have time to take care of myself? I mean, do I need to care for myself? Or should I just think that as long as everybody around me is happy and loved, then I should be too? 

I really don't know how to answer all these questions. I mean, a lot of history goes with the questions that I am asking, and a whole lot more of information that is missing in this blog. All I know is that right now, at this moment, I want things to all stop! I just want to be my own person, and find a way where I can love everybody, but still love myself. I want someone to just say thank-you to me after I do something for them. I don't always want to be the one that is only visible when someone needs something, and then invisible the next after they got what they want. I feel that I am worth more then that. I feel like that I deserve a little love too, because right now, I feel like I am loving everybody else, but everybody else is forgetting about me. It makes me just want to run away to a fantasy land where everything is perfect, and just the way I want it to be. A place like the, but seriously. When is it going to start being about me and less about them all the time? Is it too much to ask for me to just get a little love? 

So, in the end, what is love? How do we react towards love? I mean, how much of our own definition of love determine the person that we are? How much difference can love make in our lives? Does love rule us? Or do we rule it? When does it get to much of others and too little of us? I don't know. I can't answer that. So here is where I ask for you help. Please help me. Tell me what you think. Answer my questions, because for the life of me, I just can't myself. And right now, I need answers. I need to know what I am doing in my life, and how much of what I am doing is helping me, or hurting myself to come back. I need to know who I really am. I want to find out how to be happy. I want to try my best. :) As always. And this time, I need your help. So, are you going to help me? Answer my questions? And also do your best in life also?? I don't know. That is a question that you will have to answer yourself. I have too much of my own in the first place.  :) 


P.S - all that I said today is my own opinion, and is all explaining my own life. Please nobody take offense to anything I said today. :) 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Things are hard...but...

Darkness = Hard things
Light at the end of the tunnel = Things that we can be thankful for. :) 
That is what I have come with this week.  I mean for me, my week has just be HARD. Period. No other way to explain it. I am so glad that the school week is over, and that I have the weekend to relax and recharge. So many things went wrong, and so many things that could have been better...but in the end, it just fell so short! I felt like I just spent the whole week in a trance. Like I am in a place full of fog, and all I am doing is just pushing forward. I seriously hardly remember much about it except all the studying, worrying, and stress I was under. I don't even remember what I ate for lunch on Wednesday, and it is only Friday!!!!! So ya, basically, it was just a tough week.... 
Fog...beautiful in that instance isn't it? 

Over this whole week, I kept on thinking about all the negative things thats been happening to me. All I could think of is why couldn't I just have an easier life. A place where everything works according to what I want, and need in that minute?? I mean, why couldn't it of been somebody else that was having all the issues and stress? Why does it have to be me that failed the stupid test?? (okay...not really failed...but not very good...) Why couldn't I just be that girl where everything is going great, and has everything in the world? The one that gets to just sit on the beach the whole day, and watch the dolphins swim by?? 

But guess what???? Life doesn't happen that way!!!! Welcome to the real world QQ. Nothing goes as you plan, and things are always hard. 

Through out all this week when I have been really negative, and just hurting inside, I didn't think to tell anyone else about it. I just sat there all week wallowing in my own sadness and negativity. On the outside, I just pretended everything was okay, and nothing was wrong. During some of that time, it actually worked. I faked it till I made it. I was really happy for some of that time. I even made it so others would of thought I was happy. It seemed like it was a good thing to do, but pretending through all that just gave me more stress. It was just very bad, and I got to the point this afternoon where I said to myself.. "If you don't talk about it, and just keep it all in, you are just going to drive yourself crazy..!" 

So, I went and did something about it. I went to talk to a good friend of mine for like an hour and a half. I just basically went to him, and told him everything that was really bugging me. And you know what??  It seemed like he knew exactly what I needed to hear. It was pretty good. Somehow, just by going to talk to him, my thoughts made sense, and my stress seemed to die down a little. And during that whole conversation, a thought came to me. 

IDEA! :) 
It really didn't have much to do with our discussion, but something he said made me think of it. Something that all the smartest people in my life have told me at least once finally made sense. The guidance finally hit me, and I now truly understand what it means.  And here it is: 

Life is tough yes, and there are always things that we just want to get rid of and forget, but no matter what is happening, there are many things to be positive about, and to be thankful for. 

This week, I have truly focused too much on all the things that went wrong, and not the things that went RIGHT. There are still many things in my life that I am so blessed to have. Sure, some things went bad, but look at all the things that went GOOD. I have so many things that I can, and should be thankful for. And you know, it's not just enough for me to think about them, and to realize them, I want to share them with you tonight. 

I am thankful that I have a life here on earth. I am grateful that I have a chance to come down, and to show my worth. I am thankful for a beautiful world that we live in. I love the sun, and I am so glad that it's there to brighten my days. I love the wind and the flowers. I love the beautiful mountains that we see all around us in Provo. 

I am thankful for such a wonderful school that I can attend, and to gain knowledge. I am so grateful for all the professors that spend their time just to help my education. 

I am thankful that I have a roof over my head, and a nice bed to sleep on. I am grateful that I have resources around me that gives me what I need when I need it. I am thankful for all the safety that I have. I am thankful that I have food, water, and money to live my everyday life. 

I am thankful for all my friends that I know I can count on. I am so happy that whenever I need them, I know that they will always be there for me.. I am so grateful that no matter what, my true friends would never doubt me, but will always help me through whatever that I need. I am thankful that through all the hard times this week, I could of had them to lean on, to laugh with, and just to relax with. I am so lucky to have friends that will go grocery shopping with me at 11:30 PM just because they want to make sure I have food that I can actually eat, and will be healthy for me. I feel so blessed to have people around me that loves me, and that cares for me. People that will tell me to stop putting myself down because of one stupid little thing. Friends that will just laugh and be sarcastic with me when I just feel like being silly. I love that I can stay up with my friend until midnight doing chemistry, and at the same time laughing our heads off because of silly numbers on the papers. Friends to me are very important. They mean a lot to me, and I am so blessed to have so many that are there to support me. :) 

Read the Poem, it is amazing. And so true! :) 
I am so grateful for my family. Even though we don't always see eye to eye, or get along well, I still love them with all my heart. We have our arguments, and disappointments. I have things that I wish could be better, but no matter what, they have my full heart. There is nothing more important to me in this whole wide world then my family. No matter where they are, or what they are doing, I will forever love them. No matter how they treat me, or what they expect of me, I will still care for them, and will always be there when they need. I am so thankful to be in a family where I can be part of something bigger, and better then myself. 
Family is very important. Don't ever forget it. 

I am thankful for all my blessings. I am so glad that my Father in Heaven loves me so much that he truly does gives me blessings even though I am not perfect. I am so thankful my the knowledge of the gospel, and how it has blessed my life. I mean sure, there are times where I think, and I doubt, but in the end, there is no doubt in my mind that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - Day Saints is the true church of God. I am so thankful to have the gospel in my life to guide me, and to protect me. I am a divine daughter of God. He loves me, and I love him. I will stand as a witness of God at all times, in all things, and in all places. 

There are still so many things that I am grateful for. But I just dont' have the time or the space to write them all down. But I just wanted to make a point. And the point I want to make tonight is at the very top of this post, bolded, and underlined. But i am going to repeat it again, right here right now. Because it is very important, and I have finally realize why it is so important.  

And here is why it is so important: You could be like me, wallowing in my own negativity, and wondering why everything is going wrong, or you can remember this point, and do the best you can. I mean, sure this week was hard. But if I could of kept up my attitude, and make it positive, it would of been soooooo much easier. I know it would of been. I know that the point of coming down here to earth isn't to have everything be easy, where we can just pass everything without even trying. We are here to be tested, and to prove to our Heavenly Father that we do love him, and that we do follow his plan for us. He doesn't want us to wallow in guilt and negativity. He wants us to do, and be positive. I understand that now. I didn't before. Many people have tried to prove this point to me before, making me see the positive side of things. I don't why it has taken me this long to fully realize it. Maybe I just needed to come up with the realization myself, so it would mean more. I really have no clue. 

But I do know this. I know that life is hard. I know that it isn't easy. Trust me. I do know. I do understand. But now, tonight, I know another thing. 

NO matter how much life hurts, or  how hard it gets, there is always another side to things. Don't think the negative. Focus on the positive. I know it helps.   

I know that because today that is what happened to me. I started with a very negative attitude, focusing on all the things that sucks in life, but after I realize this very point, and started to think differently, I saw the opposite, and better side. Remember, there is two sides to a coin, just like there are two sides to attitude and thought. Just pick which one you want to live by. Try your best to live by the right, and positive side. I am. Well, I am going to start. Right now, right here. I want to make a change. I want to be better. I want to be MY BEST. Don't you?? I hope you do, because if you do, we can work at it together, and become someone even better yet. :) 

With all my love and thoughts, 

Monday, October 17, 2011


See the time?? It is almost the exact time that i am writing this! 
Okay, so currently it is 1:18 AM Monday morning. I know what you all are thinking: "Why in the world are you not in bed QQ!" Well, the answer to that is I don't know. I can't seem to fall asleep. There is so many things on my mind, and I figured that I could either stay in bed all night worrying and not sleep, or I can write it all down so then I can sleep. Guess which one i chose? Haha!! So, here is what on my mind:

Over the weekend, many different things happened. A lot of opportunities have came to me where the question "Who do I want to be, and where am I going" came up. I been thinking about that a lot this week. It seems like everyone that I trust has asked me that question. And for a girl who usually know how to answer questions, I am totally stuck on this one. I always thought I knew where I am going in life, and what I wanted, but since college started, my thoughts have been kind of challenged. 

Everyday we wake up in life, and just go on to do our daily routine. Get up, get ready, eat breakfast, and head off to school. Try our best not to fall asleep in class because we are college students, and we don't sleep at night. Take notes on what our teachers are telling us because we KNOW that it will be on a exam pretty soon. Try to find out how in the world are we suppose to finish all our assignments and exams on time, because it seems like they never end. I mean, it's normal. But during any time that day, do you stop and ask yourself "Hum me, with everything thing I am doing in life, what do I really want to accomplish?? What do I really want in life??" 

You might have asked yourself that question, but I just realize that lately, like over the last year, I really haven't stop and asked myself that question. I don't really know. I mean, I just try to survive day to day. So many things happen in one day, where I have to solve everything that life throws at me, myself, and I.  For me, I just didn't realize that in order to have a goal in life, I have to stop and really think about what I want.  So this week, I did just that. At first, I really had no idea, but over the last couple of days, I have figured out some major things that I want in MY OWN life. 

I have figured out the following: I want to graduate with my bachelors from Brigham Young University. Then I want to move on to get my P.A degree. I know that I want to meet an loving and caring young man to marry me in the temple of my lord. I also know that one day, I want a family of my own. I know that I want to be the kind of person that someone will trust and look up to. I believe that one day, I can take all the money I have earned as being a doctor, and help the children in Africa. I want to be able to provide medical care for all those that needs it, but can't afford it. I want to save a life. 
A world full of opportunities and decisions. :)

That is all I have figured out. As you can see, there are many gaps in that list of mine. Many important decisions in my life that I haven't figured out yet because I can't. That is something that I just barely figured out as I was typing this. I might have plans and goals in my life. Things that I want to accomplish, and things that I have planed. But then there is my Father above that also have plans for me. He gives me trials and rough spots so I can grow, learn, and make my own decisions. I might think that I know what I want to be in life, and how I want my life to go, but I can't control everything. 

It is a very hard concept for me to understand. I mean, I think that all of us like to be in control of our lives, and most things around us. But there are somethings that can't be controlled. I can make decisions about my life, and how I act on them is something that I CAN control. But there are many things out there that I can't. I know have some idea what I want in life, and how I want it to go, and whether or not it happens is in my control, and my Heavenly Father's. 
We all have our lives at the Control panel, what we do with it makes the difference. 

So in the end, I guess my point is that we might not think about what we want in life, or how it is going to go. But it is something that we eventually have to figure out, and when we do, we have to learn what is in our own personal influence, and what is not. If we don't accept that, I don't know how much we would appreciate life, or even understand it. :) I still have lots to work on, and many things to figure out. I hope one day I can truly accept the concept of what I said today. Just because I said it, doesn't mean I can do it. But I am trying my best. :) Are you?? :)

With all my love,

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Why do we procrastinate??

Midterms. College student's favorite time of the semester...right??? :) Um....not really. I think the honest truth is that all college student's hate this time of the semester. (I wont' be a 100% on that, because there might be some really awesome student out there that loves midterms...) For midterms this week, I have my SFL 210 exam, and my NDFS 100 Exam. I also have a SFL essay due on Thursday, plus an AHTG Essay. So, here I am with everything that I still have to do, and guess what I am doing instead? Procrastinating by writing this blog. 

Procrastination is such a weird thing. We do it all the time without even realizing it. We come home from school and watch t.v. instead of doing homework. We sit there and starve before getting up and making dinner for ourselves. We go to bed at midnight instead of staying up to finish the assignment because we are "tired." I mean, do we really understand what we are doing when we are procrastinating? Because I know I do that all the time. I will come home thinking that I have lots of time to do my homework, so instead on working on that, I turn on the T.V, and the next thing you know, it's 10 PM and I haven't even start anything yet! 

Okay, so I am talking about this because I really hate procrastination, and I just don't understand why there is such thing. I hate it because it gets to me all the time! I find that because I procrastinated all night, I am still writing an essay at one in the morning! I mean, for reals, does it make sense to you guys why we procrastinate? And you know what is the worst thing that comes from procrastination? We lose TIME!!! Time is something that we can never get back. Once it is gone, its gone forever. No matter what we want to do about it, it won't make a difference. We lost it, because rather then cherishing something so valuable, we waste it on doing something totally not worthwhile. See? is so bad! 

And it just doesn't make sense. But everybody does it. So this is when I start thinking of why people do it. And just to clarify, this is my opinion, so don't get mad at me if you don't agree. In my view of humans in general, we all have times when we wish to think that we can do anything...if not that, most things. Our idea is that "I am smart, and I know how to handle myself, so you know, I will get it done eventually." (okay, at least that is what I think.) I do that all the time. Make myself believe that I am really good at what I do, and it doesn't matter if I relax a little bit and forget about homework, because eventually I will be able to get it done. We expect what we want ourselves to believe. In the end though, it just all come crashing down, and we realize that we are not as great as our imagination makes us. We are just humans. We need to work in order to get things done. We can't just have fun all the time, thinking that all will be well in the end. We can't have the thinking that because we are so good, we can rest now, and magically finish all our work later. 

That is what happens right?? I mean, it happens to me. I dont' know if it does to you or not, (I'm pretty sure it does...), but it sure does to me, and I really hate it. It makes me really upset about myself also. But if we think about it some more, we realize that procrastination really is a conscious choice that we all make. We choose to turn on the T.V. We choose to wait to do our homework, and we definitely choose to think that we can do anything because we are so much better then others. 
Which choice are you going to make?? 

So, now the problems is how can we stop procrastinating? How can we consciously make the choice not to waste our time. How can we understand that there are priorities in our lives, and we have to pay effort and actually work to accomplish them? I really have absolutely no idea how to answer those questions, because I have been trying to find the solution for years now. But I like to think that everything in life takes work, and working to solve this problem is totally worth it. I want to believe that if we work hard enough, and make a goal to stop having the habit of procrastinating, maybe one day it would happen. I don't know if it could ever happen, but I am keeping my hopes up. I am deciding right now to make a goal to try my hardest to make that conscious choice to stop procrastinating and wasting my time, so I can get my work done. How does that sound?? Does it sound like a good plan to you?? If it does, you should join me and do it too, and then tell me how it works out for you! :) I really do want to know! :) 
There is just that one thing we have to do to reach our goal, but would we do it? 

With all the best wishes, 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

A dream come true...

The park I played at when i was young. :)
Life is a funny thing you know? I mean, do you really think about it? All the dreams you had at night? Every wish you ever made? The things that you never got to do? All the time that is passing by, and the changes that are happening in your life? It seems like one day you are a little kid playing on a playground, dreaming and pretending, and the next day you are walking around in a huge university called BYU. (sound like somebody you know???) haha....

Which way do I choose now that i am all on my own?

I have been thinking a lot lately about growing up, and how I dream that I could just be a kid again. Just being a innocent little girl, playing around, trying to find out all about the things around me. :) I didn't even realize it during the time when I was growing up. All the different things that was going on, from elementary to middle school, and then moving on to high school, it was all just a blur. Until I moved away. Until I started my first day at college. Then i got a flashback. I realize I am not a kid anymore. I am a "grown up", and there is no turning back. I am on my own, and I have to become my own person. My parents aren't there to make decisions for me anymore. No one else is there for me to blame for mistakes that I make. It is all on me. And this is when I kind of wish I was a kid again. 

I wish I could be doing that....
I don't want to have that responsibility yet. I just want to be a kid, where the hardest thing I do everyday is to pick what color crayon I will use on my picture. I just want to run around on the playground laughing my head off because of a game of tag. I want things to be simple. Because that is what I want life to be about. 

I love this train. :) It looks so cool. :) and I so wished the UTA trax was this cool... :) 
So, today, something amazing happened, and I am going to share it with you guys. :) Me and my sister decided to go on an adventure to down town Salt Lake City. I had something to do in downtown, and this was the only time I could of done it, because it is the only time I am away from provo. This adventure was the first time that me and my sister got to spend some real valuable time together. So, we got onto the Trax, and went our way. During the whole time we just sat, laughed, talked, and listen to Taylor Swift music. It was pretty awesome. 

Me and my sis on the Trax. :) aren't we silly?
I haven't laughed like that in so long. It felt so nice. It was like all the worries from school, midterms, classes, parents, and anything else was just gone. So nice....And the sky was super blue, and clear. The sun shone so brightly, and the weather was just perfect. Me and my sister talked about staying at the hotel Grand America for a night 10 years from now. We daydreamed about our future, husbands, life, and work. It was like we were playing pretend games again. Talking about things that hasn't happened, but it was something that we wish will come true. Feeling like kids, we just walked around in Salt Lake City, and then hopped back onto the Trax. 

After we got off our stop on the train, we decided to play at the park next to the station. :) So, my sister, a 14 year old girl, and me, an 18 year old adult went over to the park, and started climbing all over it. We climbed on the monkey bars, went down the slides, and climbed on tunnels. We were like kids. Just having fun. Forgetting who we were in the world, and just want to be ourselves. It was peaceful. Everything was close to perfect. In my mind, I was like, "can life get better then this??" was totally amazing. I felt like a complete kid, playing at the my favorite playground since I was a kid. So, I couldn't ask for anything better for today.
My sister on the monkey bars. :)

So you remember what I said about innocence earlier? And not growing up, so I can just be a kid again. Well, today, it was exactly like that. For 3 wonderful hours, my sister and I were together laughing and just having fun. We were carefree in the world. Just during that time, I forgot about all my worries. I didn't remember that I have 3 midterms coming up, or that I haven't slept more then 4 hours every night over the last two weeks. It didnt' matter. Because at that time, I was with somebody I love, having one of the funnest time I ever had in life. But just for three hours. And real life started again. But that doesn't matter. Because the memory will last me a lifetime. :)

Today, my dream came true. What i have wanted since I turned 18 happened today. :) I was a kid. I was myself. :) And I totally absolutely loved it. I love my family, and I love the chance that I have here in life. :) Just like I said. We only have one shot at life. We have to try our best, and have fun. Today, I did. Did you?? 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Something New.....

So, I decided to try something new. I am going to make a blog. I have never blogged before, and I don't exactly know how it works. However, since there are so many new things happening in my life lately, I have found that I really need a new way for expressing my emotions. I don't know how well this will work, but I hope it would be a good thing for me, and you as a reader. 

Over the last couple of months, I have found that a lot has changed about me, and my life. I turned 18 in August, which means that now, legally, I am a fully responsible adult. I don't exactly know what that means.  I still feel like a kid, always relying on somebody else to help me through things. I am not quite ready to step out into the world, and become my own person. Why?? I really have no idea. Maybe it is because I am not ready emotionally to take control of my life. Maybe it is because of the feeling of home and family that I don't want to miss.  Maybe it could be the fact that I don't feel very confident about being on my own yet. Or maybe it is because I just like the way life was before. it never stays that way huh? Things are always in constant motion, ever changing. And that isn't really a bad thing. It's just sad sometimes when something so good and amazing pass by you without you even realizing it.

Okay, so you see the look on his face?? That is what I feel like right now.....
With all the changes in my life, the biggest one right now is College. It is so different, and it throws everything that I have ever known out of place. I mean, there are people living in the same place that I do, but I hardly even know them. I now also have to do my own grocery shopping, and can decide on what I want to eat, instead of what the whole family wants to eat .(Which isn't really a bad thing..)  

And then there is all the classes, and tests.  As an example, I find that I am suddenly not the smart student I thought I was. I am in a school where all the smartest and best people get into...(no offense to any other schools...but BYU is pretty awesome..) everybody gets really good grades. I find myself almost at the bottom of the class (not really, but it feels like it)...and not really knowing where to go next. Then, I had a friend that came over and gave me a wake up call. He told me that college isn't just about memorizing and knowing anymore. It is more about understanding. The grades don't matter, the education does. WHAT???? How does that even makes sense???? I mean, going to school is for the grades right?? NO! That is wrong because it isn't just for the grades. It's for helping you to improve your life, and to change and become better because of the class. Grades doesn't count anymore. It's important, but not everything. I still don't quite understand that completely, but I guess it does make sense in some really really weird way. I don't know how it makes sense yet, but when I do, I will be sure to blog about it again. :) 

Aww....aren't they cute??? Such great friends. :)
Although there are somethings I still need to figure out about this new stage of life, like college, roommates, family, responsibilities, and stuff like that, I am actually having a really good time. :) I made a couple of really good friends already. I love them so much, and I am so glad they love me too. Everything is so different, but in such a good way. I still miss my family tons, but I am glad to be out on my own. I think that whatever happens, this is going to be a very exciting, and fun time of my life. :) 

Well, there you go. My first blog. I hoped you liked it. I had fun writing it. :)


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