This is life

This is life. Sometimes it is great, sometimes it is bad. But during all those times, there is always somethings that we all like to say. So this is me. Saying what I want to say.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


A moment can change anything. A moment can change EVERYTHING. It doesn't matter where that moment comes from, and it doesn't matter where or when it ends. All that matters is what the moment was about, and what impact it had in your life....

We always want so much in this world. We love to plan everything out in our minds, or on a piece of paper, but we never know what life brings to us. Nothing is ever constant. And guess what? That is what makes life so much fun and meaningful! 

We don't have to know everything in the world. We don't need to plan out every single moments of our lives. All we need to do is to live it. Believe in it. Trust it, and love it. That's all. And those moments will come when everything will change for the better, or for the worst. Those moments, good or bad, will become our memories. 

 People always tell us to "look at the big picture", and that is true. You can't ever forget what life is suppose to be for, and what we can achieve in the long run, but don't want to forget a small moment either. 

I know I talk about this concept a lot, but I just couldn't keep myself from bringing it up again. I had an experience a couple days ago when I really realized the impact those tiny moments make in our lives. It is a little more personal then I can I won't. But what I will share is what I felt afterwards.

That experienced humbled me. It made me realize that we have moments in our lives to makes us change and grow. Some of those moments can someday define us. I know for me, I will never forget that one moment. It made me really see WHO I wanted to be. 

Not just a regular girl going through regular day stuff. Not a girl who take things for granted. I want to be a person that cherishes every single moment in her life. NO matter the bad, or the good. 

Of course, even for me, that is a lot easier said then done. Life is so hard sometimes. Hard enough sometimes that you just forget how to cherish those moments. You forget the love you feel for this wonderful opportunity to be on this earth. There are moments when all you remember is the pain you are going through, and the darkness that you feel. 

I know, because I have felt that too. But you know what I figured out from my humbling experience? I figured out that those bad moments are the ones that are going to matter the MOST. Of course they are not fun, and they are painful, but if you really think about it, those hard, trying moments are the ones that CHANGE you forever. 

We have all heard the song "Stronger" by Kelly Clarkson. It's a great song right? And I think it has a really good point. What doesn't kill you in life, just makes you stronger FOR life. And that is something we always have to remember. The hard moments in our lives that stick with us forever, are the times that are going to make us stronger for whatever we need to face in our future. 

Those hard moments combined with the good moments, and it makes what we know as life. (That might not be how it works completely, but you my mind, it is.) But seriously, we have to have some bad mixed in with the good. =) That is the only way we can really cherish the awesome moments we have in our lives.  And at the end of our lives, our families and memories are all that really matters. 

I don't know if what I have said today made any sense today. I know that in my mind, it all makes sense. I guess the main point of all of this is just how much moments mean to our lives. At least MY life. And I don't ever want to pass a moment by, not remembering to cherish it, and love it. 

I hope you guys all do your best to realize those moments. Don't just let them pass you by. No matter if you bring you happiness or pain. Cherish them all, and remember that those are the moments that will become your memories. Try your best to be your best. Because as always, I am. =) 

I hope you all have a absolutely, beautiful day!!! =) 

With lots of love,

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