This is life

This is life. Sometimes it is great, sometimes it is bad. But during all those times, there is always somethings that we all like to say. So this is me. Saying what I want to say.

Friday, July 13, 2012

An adventure in the kitchen...

I love adventures! They are so much fun! 

Now, I am not talking about the big adventures that you seen on movies where some non-important character travels to an unknown and dangerous land, where he has to fight all kind of dangerous things, save the girl, and run back to his home country where they crown him the hero. No, I am not talking about those adventures, even though they are pretty cool. 

I am talking about the adventures my roommate and I (meaning the wonderful and beautiful Becca dear...)find ourselves on when we are bored. =) 

So, one day over the last week, we both had a lot of time where we didn't have anything to do. I mean, we could of done something productive I guess, but we just weren't feeling like it. 
(isn't that the best feeling ever??)

So we decided were were going to try something new. =) We decided to search up recipes online, and make them for dinner together! Sounds brilliant right?? (We thought so!)

So, off we went to find our recipes...I choose one for Apple Crisp, and Becca choose one for a very delicious Chicken Pot pie. =) 

Next stop: Grocery store! =) 
(Now, I wish I took pictures of our grocery store experience, but I thought it wasn't quite i didn't....) 

But we did have a lot of fun at the store. I love shopping...even at an grocery store. There are so many things in there to choose from!! 

After that, the third step is to: Make the food!! 
Now, this part I did get some pictures of, so I will share them in a minute. This was also the most exciting part! I love cooking, and I love cooking with my roommates. =)

(actually, I like baking more...not cooking...there is a difference! but anyways...)

Oh, and I definitely love my roommates too! =) All of them! Because we are not only roommates, we are also friendS! 
(Don't be's an inside joke..Becca...)

So...enough with the talk...Here is the pictures!!! 

Oh, another thing...I truly, and deeply apologize for the quality of my phone just isn't that nice to me.....but I tried my best! Enjoy!!! 

Becca, making her chicken pot pie~ 

Sorry for the reflection, but just in case you can't tell,
there is an apple crisp baking in the oven!! 

30 mins after the apple crisp came out of the oven....

Me, Cassandra, and Becca!!! 
Oh, and just in case any of you were wondering, all the food turn out to be amazingly delicious, and was basically gone the next day! =) Heehee!!! 

Have a wonderful, beautiful, deliciously, adventurous day!!! =) 

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