This is life

This is life. Sometimes it is great, sometimes it is bad. But during all those times, there is always somethings that we all like to say. So this is me. Saying what I want to say.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Something I wish I can do in the future....

So at my new job as an CNA, I have already learned so much. I started this job a month ago, and it feels like i have learned enough for it to be 3 months. But one of the biggest things I learned isn't actually from the duties of my job, but from the people I serve in my job: 
The Residents.  

I have so many residents at my work that are so cute, happy, and positive all the time. Everyone of them will always stop and say hi, or give you a high five if you ask for one. They love every one, even though most of them don't have anyone in their lives anymore...or at least, not regularly to be there with them, and take care of them. That is one of the biggest reasons of why so many residents are there. So given that image, shouldn't they all be kind of sad, mean, and boring? But thankfully...that is not the case at all! Not at all! 

Everyday I have to wake up at 5 AM, and everyone that knows me knows I am soooo not a morning person, but yet...I wake up anyways. As I walk into the building and clock in, I always resent that I am there working, but you got to do what you got to do right? heehee...

And trust me, the work isn't easy... I mean, i don't want to get sympathy from you all, but the work is actually very hard. Physically, and mentally. When you work in healthcare, your main job is to try and please everyone. You supervisors, co-workers, and especially your residents. But as we all know...trying to please every one is just basically impossible. But that is my job...fighting against the impossibility of life. =) 

Most of the residents in resting homes don't really want to be there you know. Some hate it. Some just don't have a choice anymore. But even though most of them wish they were some place else, they all still have SUCH a great and positive attitude towards everyone. Which makes fighting against the impossible mission just a little bit easier! 

Every single one of the residents have their own sad story, and why they are there. They have all lived so different lives then the one I am living. But when I go to work and serve them, they are actually educating me right back, even more then I have realized!! 

I always thought I was a happy person for most of the time! I make sure that I never give up in anything that I do, and I always try my best, no matter how hard, difficult and impossible the task seems. I just keep going. And I thought I was really good at staying positive...

But after starting this job, I realize that I have so much more to improve on and do. I mean, after working for a couple of days, I started thinking.. If I had a stroke, and can't ever walk again, I think I will just pretty much be a bum, and be angry for the rest of my life. If I lost my arm, I don't think I could live and be a happy person anymore, because I basically won't be able to do the thing I love most: Music. If my family just left me at a resting home to die, I think I will make every day a torture, for myself, and all the other people around me. I mean..what else is there to do right? I don't know what you would do...but I can tell you what my residents do..

They don't care! They put a smile on their faces, and keep going on in life! They wake up every morning with a positive attitude, ready for another day with all their friends in the facility. They see me coming into the door, and they ask ME how I am doing..rather then just letting me ask all the questions and do all the work. They tell me stories, and they make me laugh. When they see that I am upset, they will try to make things easier for me to do. They are there to also love ME back, and make me happier. 

I think that is just incredible. I don't know if I will ever be able to do that...but I really hope someday I can be just like them. If I do have to live in a resting home, I hope that I can be the most positive and helpful one there. 

But on a closer level, in my current day to day life, I just want to always be positive like them. I want to learn how to always have a smile, and keep going on with life the best I can even when I am having a crazy difficult life. I want to be able to always, always, always remember the positive and happy things in life, and just believe that no matter what happens now, tomorrow, or a year from now...everything will still be okay! Because looking back on my residents, and seeing that they are also so okay, and so happy, I just know if I try my best, in no matter what situation I am in, everything will be okay for me too. =) 

Oh...and another thing. If you couldn't already tell from this post that I just really love my job...I am here to tell you...I FREAKING LOVE MY NEW JOB!!! =) It is so satisfying to know that I can go to my job, and make such a difference for the people there! I mean...for everyone. The nurses, co-workers, supervisors, and most definitely, the lovely, happy, and awesome residents. It's a hard job...but I am so thankful for it, and it's making such a better person! And yes...soooooo grateful and happy to have this job. That's all!! always! Try your best, to be your best! And this time...just try to be happier, and a whole lot more positive. Just always remember...everything will be okay! Do your best in whatever you set your heart out to do! Because as always....i am! =) 



Saturday, August 25, 2012

The answer to our questions....

Well, life has been so crazy for me lately..just when I thought my life was where it suppose to be, something else came up and messed it all up again...which isn't a bad thing, but it did make me think about how things just fall into our lives....

All the time in our lives, every single day, within the 24 hours, or minutes, or seconds...many things happen. So many things just seem to come into our lives, affect it, and change it forever. Sometimes the changes are hard, and tough...but sometimes, the changes are something we have been waiting for a long time, and at that sudden just fell into place perfectly. 

And those are events that have been enlightening me the most. The events that seem to put everything in perfect perspective, aren't those the same one that make us so thankful and grateful for everything in life? Aren't those the ones that stop us in the middle of whatever we are doing, and actually think about what has happened to bring all the pieces so perfectly together? 

I don't know about you, but that is how I have been feeling lately...after such a long time of confusion and heartache, it finally feels like things are finally starting to work again. The confusion is starting to clear, and the road is starting to straiten. Finally....there is some peace in my life...and that has brought me to a realization...

So many times in life we complain about the hard things, the bad things, and all the annoying things we have to deal with. We forget to appreciate the things we have, and the wonderful plan that is in progress without us even knowing it...

I know each and every one of us has at least asked this question once in our lives~ "Why??!!" "Why do I have to go through this?", or "Why is life being so hard on me?"...or questions like that. I mean, it's hard not to when things in life are just so dang hard. But most of the time, even though we ask those questions and get some answers, it is usually not the answer we want...or expect. So guess how we react to that? We keep on asking the same old question.."why?!"

But what if for once...we stopped asking the question "Why?", and just keep pushing on. What if we just keep living life as it come at us, and trust that everything will be okay? Sometimes..even though we feel that life is too hard, and just want it to change at that exact moment, we have to remember that there is a PLAN in place. A plan so amazing, so complex, and so heavenly spiritual, we won't really understand it until we are able to live with our loving Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ again. 

I been thinking about this concept for a while now..just because..finally, my life is going the way I planed again. Finally, I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. After all the times that I, myself asked Why, I finally understand why. 

We have all been taught so many times in life that our trials we go through makes us stronger, and better. But one other thing that we gain from our trials is knowledge, and what I like to call "smartness." (haha...)

I have always said, and totally believed that during our trials, we always come out stronger. But this time... I did get a lot stronger, but I have gained sooooooo much knowledge. So many things that I have learned, and finally understand. All the times, and different ways that I have asked and cried 'why', is finally making sense, and being answered. Finally...everything is falling into their perfect place. =) 

And isn't that the answer at the end? After all the time we spent on asking the never ending questions, wasting effort and minutes from our lives...we all eventually get our answer somewhere, some place. And that answer usually comes when things are finally working. They won't come when it's at the hardest place of your trial...because that won't help you! We have all heard the saying~ 

"Give a man a fish and feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime..." 

Even though we are not fishing, this same principle applies to trials and answers. If He gives us the answer during our trials, then we aren't really learning anything. But if he gives us the answer at the end, then we come of the trial with a lesson learned. And it's that, and only after that, when we are taught the lesson we need to know for our future. =) 

Well, that I have wrote a whole lecture on answers and trials, I want to turn back into your life. What has happened lately? Are you going through a trial where you just want an answer to right at this instant, and you are going crazy because you aren't getting one?? Well, that is okay....Give it time! =) You'll get there! I promise. 

And the only reason I promise that is because I have been through it. I have just learned this exact lesson! I have asked all of those questions, and finally, I mean FINALLY, I have got some answers. Not all...but some. Enough to make me understand what I need for the coming times, and to prepare me for the coming trials. And one day, somewhere down the line...that will happen for you too. =) Trust me! 

Try your best to remember that you don't need all of your answers right now, right here in this instant. Give it time. Be patience. Keep going, pushing, and enduring. Because by doing that, I promise you one day, you will find that answer you are looking for. =) 

Try your be your best! because as always... I am. =) 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

It's been a while....

Hey guys!! It has been a while since I blogged huh?? You want to know why?? 

It's because I finally got a JOB!!!! 

Isn't that so great?? I am finally making money...(at a very small amount...)and providing for myself! It is making me feel like a real grown up! 

This is how I feel today! =) 
Oh...speaking of growing up, it was my BIRTHDAY on August 3rd!!! =) It was such a wonderful day, and now I am another year older! Meaning I should be one year more mature...which I am not...but still. It was a really good day...I mean....a really really good day. Glad 

Okay...going back to my job. =) Which I am really thankful for by the way...I am now working at the Cafeteria in the Missionary Training Center in Provo, UT. =] 

Meaning I get to feed all the wonderful missionaries that are going out into the unknown for two years, just to serve and do the Lord's work. Isn't that just amazing?!! I have always loved missionaries, but I think this job is really making me appreciate them a lot more. 

One of my favorite things about this job though..there are more then one...=) that when I am serving the wonderful missionaries their meals, I am also serving the Lord. I am in a dedicated ground of the church, where his presence, and spirit is sooo strong! 

I mean, there isn't a lot of jobs out there that can say that. (I mean, all jobs can do that, but not all jobs are in a dedicated building of the Lord...even though all of the other jobs are so amazing also...don't take me wrong..) And because of that, I feel so blessed to have this job. I feel like even though I am working, I am actually giving service to this world, and to the world of this wonderful, all loving gospel. 

But it's definitely not my favorite or dream job in this world, and sometimes it actually quite frustrates me. Even though that is true, I am very grateful for this experience, and new part of my life. =) 

Beyond anything...I just feel like with the way my life is going right now, I have so much to be thankful and grateful for. So many things that are finally starting to line up again. In so many ways, I have been soooo blessed without even realizing it. 
love. so true!

But that is okay. Because now that I see it, I am going to do my best to never forget it. I can I? I am reminded of how much I am blessed with each and everyday over and over again. And that is what I love most about my life right at this moment. 

And forever. Through all the good times, and the bad. 

 I hope you love your life too! =)   

Because I love you! Have a great day! 

Monday, July 23, 2012

A story with a lesson...

One day, I arrived at the far away place name Sandy..where my family lives. It's a great place. =)  I just finished another week at the wonderful fairytale land of Provo, and was ready for some family time, and relaxation. Haha...that turned out to be a joke...because the house decided to throw a temper tantrum, and stop working... 

The first thing I usually do when I arrive back home is to go to the fridge, open the door, and see what there is to eat...yes I know...eating is everything in my life....haha...Expecting the fridge to be nice and cold, I was surprise to find that it was quite warm. It was so warm, the butter was starting to melt... and as much as I know about household appliances, which isn't much...I realize something was seriously wrong with it. haha...go figure right?? =)

Anyways, because of that, I went on an adventure (which means going up the stairs, avoiding all the bags, fighting through all the clothes laying around the floor, and finally arriving into the study room) to find the queen of the home, which is my mother, and was told that the fridge has been broken for a whole week!! One whole week!! Isn't that crazy? (I don't know how I can survived without a fridge for a week...but you know...i guess it's possible...heehee..) 

So, without a choice, I decided it was acceptable to spend a couple of days without a was a close fight...but i finally convinced my can't-stop-eating alter ego that it was okay....haha. But that gives us another problem. there was no way to keep food in our house! 

I mean, not overnight we had to come up with really creative ways to cook dinner, and frankly, it was quite a lot of fun. I don't think I will ever do it again, but you was fun. =) But just as I was getting use to the idea that I won't have a fridge for the weekend....there came another problem!! (Just when you know what's what....haha.) 

...On Monday morning, I woke up just like any other day at home, and started to clean around the place. I got to the point where I needed to put things back in the 'right' place, which meant going down into my wonderful basement. But on that morning, there were something different about the basement. It was wet. Now, I don't know much about carpets, but I do know one thing: They aren't suppose to be wet...

So, once again I had to go on another adventure to find out what was going on with my basement. I finally found the source of the mysterious wet carpet! It was coming from the water boiler...the water boiler which holds 40 gallons, 40 GALLONS of water. Um....That is A LOT of water!!! No wonder the carpet was wet.... Not only the carpet, but everything around the leaking boiler was wet...clothes (that always seem to be lying on the floor in our house..), boxes, shelves...and everything else around the place. So needless to say...that was A BIG PROBLEM. 

Since NOBODY else was home during that crisis, I was left alone to fix the problem. And trust was no easy work...but don't worry, I semi-prevented the basement from flooding. =) Which was really impressive if you knew what, and how much I actually had to do. Turning off the gas (which fueled the fire), stopping the water, and a lot of other...stuff. I was really quite proud of myself....still am. Not prideful...just proud. =) 

But with all of that..happening just within couple days of each other, I learned something. Even though I am quite sarcastic about the whole situation (especially now since it is all over with...), it was actually quite serious and tense during the whole craziness. 

Even though it wasn't the most wonderful time, this whole adventure made me realize exactly two things: One, I need to have a little talk with my house, and tell him that it's completely inappropriate to throw a temper tantrum like this (haha..never again okay house?...), and Second, We don't really realize what we have until it is gone. 

I never really realize how important something like a fridge is in our lives until one day it stops working. Or the loveliness of hot water until we are taking a shower in freezing, breathtaking cold water. It's something small, and something we usually don't think about, but when we lose it, we wish sooo bad to have it again. And that doesn't only count for small things like fresh food, and hot counts for EVERYTHING in this world. 

In our lives today, we have so much that we take for granted. Day to day things like television, cars, and grocery shops, all the way to deeper relationships with others.The relationships in our lives can't take for granted. Our family situations, with brothers, or sisters, parents, all the way down to our friendships with roommates, co-workers, neighbors, or even a significant others. When we have them, we are so happy, and content. But we don't really understand how important those relationship means to us until one day we wake up, and it's not there.

But why do we always wait until it is too late? Until we wake up and feel that pain? Isn't there anything we can do to prevent that from happening? To make us see how much we actually have in our lives, and cherish it there and then? Why wait until it is too late? I don't want to! I think that is a stupid idea! So...lets find a way to prevent that from happening...

Coming back to the story of my fridge and water boiler, those problems weren't something we couldn't of avoided. There were things we could of done for it. Check the refrigerator fan every once in a while so it doesn't build up with dust until everything is clogged, or go down and make sure the fire isn't too hot on the boiler so it doesn't make a crack in the metal! Just the little touch up things to make sure everything is working in the most perfect condition they can be. 

It is the same way with relationships. Every once in a while, instead of taking a relationship for granted, cherish it. Do something to make sure others know that you care about them. Give them a hug, or a nice note. Tell them you love them, and care about them. Make sure they know how important they are in your lives. I am sure if it would of made a difference, I would of told my boiler how much I loved him before he decided to throw a temper tantrum... =) BUT don't only love the good and perfect parts about them. Love every single flaw and imperfection they have too. Because the relationship isn't only about the good things, it's about BOTH the good and the bad. It's about (as always...) EVERYTHING. 

Our lives is a gift, and the wonderful people and things we have in it is the treasures that makes life so wonderful! Sometimes we just fall into a pattern in our lives where we don't really realize it. But don't let that happen to you! It's not fun! Actually, it pretty much sucks! Take it from somebody who knows what she is talking about...because I had more painful adventures other then the one with my temper throwing house. =) Don't let something that's wonderful, and meaningful just slip from your finger tips because you forgot, or didn't want to see how important it actually was in your life. 

I been through this, and I don't want anyone else to go through the pain I had to. So please...take care of those relationships you have around you. Don't let it be something that you regret. Let it be something you hold on, and cherishes forever. Relationships don't come easily, and once you have them, with anybody, hold on to it tight, and make sure you never ever take it for granted. =) Make sure you know, the other person know, and all the other inanimate objects know how much you appreciate, love, care, understand, and cherish them. Because that right everything (or close to..) you need in a great relationship. 

Try your best to remember everything you have around you. Love everyone, and love everything. Don't let something that could of been avoided become part of something you regret. Everything you have around you is a gift...a wonderful treasure. Treat it as such. Try your best, to be your best. Because, as always, I am. =) 

With all my love,

Saturday, July 14, 2012

OMG!!!! =)

OMG!!!! I love music!!! 
Especially Piano Guy's music!!! =) =) 

So tonight, my family and I had the great privilege of going to the Piano Guy's live concert in the Sandy Amphitheater!!! 

It was so amazing!! Definitely on my top three concert/theater performance experiences!! First one is Taylor Swift Speak Now....=) go figure right?! =) 

[for all of those who doesn't know me that well, Taylor Swift is my favorite music artist. =)]

Anyways!! If you don't know the Piano Guys, below I have inserted one of their most amazing song ever! And definitely one of my favorites! (Although...I have a lot of ya..)

They are so freakin amazing!! I never thought I can love classical music so much! Or enjoy the sound of the piano and cello together with this much love! It is soooo beautiful! I can't even explain the feeling I got when I listen to them play TONIGHT... LIVE!!! 

Ahhhhh!!!! Haha...if you can't tell...I am still coming off my high from this wonderful, amazing, awesome, unbelievable experience!!! 

I really don't have much more to say! I just wanted to exclaim my love for the Piano Guys, and tell you what fantastic musicians they are!!! =) [one day, I hope I can play music like them....haha..]

Oh, I did try to take some pictures too, but they didn't turn out very well. But I will put the best ones on here. Although, just so you know, these pictures don't even give 1/10th of the credit this wonderful concert, and musicians deserves! 


I SEE THEM!!! Do you?? 

I love Steve's face when he play his cello!!! =) So serious, and so happy at the same time!!! 

Anyways, hope you enjoyed my little post about the Piano Guys! 
If you don't know them, seriously go and listen to the song right away, and then, go find them on youtube!! =) 

They are super, duper amazing!!! TRust me!!! =) You won't regret it! 

Friday, July 13, 2012

An adventure in the kitchen...

I love adventures! They are so much fun! 

Now, I am not talking about the big adventures that you seen on movies where some non-important character travels to an unknown and dangerous land, where he has to fight all kind of dangerous things, save the girl, and run back to his home country where they crown him the hero. No, I am not talking about those adventures, even though they are pretty cool. 

I am talking about the adventures my roommate and I (meaning the wonderful and beautiful Becca dear...)find ourselves on when we are bored. =) 

So, one day over the last week, we both had a lot of time where we didn't have anything to do. I mean, we could of done something productive I guess, but we just weren't feeling like it. 
(isn't that the best feeling ever??)

So we decided were were going to try something new. =) We decided to search up recipes online, and make them for dinner together! Sounds brilliant right?? (We thought so!)

So, off we went to find our recipes...I choose one for Apple Crisp, and Becca choose one for a very delicious Chicken Pot pie. =) 

Next stop: Grocery store! =) 
(Now, I wish I took pictures of our grocery store experience, but I thought it wasn't quite i didn't....) 

But we did have a lot of fun at the store. I love shopping...even at an grocery store. There are so many things in there to choose from!! 

After that, the third step is to: Make the food!! 
Now, this part I did get some pictures of, so I will share them in a minute. This was also the most exciting part! I love cooking, and I love cooking with my roommates. =)

(actually, I like baking more...not cooking...there is a difference! but anyways...)

Oh, and I definitely love my roommates too! =) All of them! Because we are not only roommates, we are also friendS! 
(Don't be's an inside joke..Becca...)

So...enough with the talk...Here is the pictures!!! 

Oh, another thing...I truly, and deeply apologize for the quality of my phone just isn't that nice to me.....but I tried my best! Enjoy!!! 

Becca, making her chicken pot pie~ 

Sorry for the reflection, but just in case you can't tell,
there is an apple crisp baking in the oven!! 

30 mins after the apple crisp came out of the oven....

Me, Cassandra, and Becca!!! 
Oh, and just in case any of you were wondering, all the food turn out to be amazingly delicious, and was basically gone the next day! =) Heehee!!! 

Have a wonderful, beautiful, deliciously, adventurous day!!! =) 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

A holiday with Spark!

Hello all!!! =) 

So, I know it's a bit after the holiday, but this is the first time I had a chance to blog about it!! 

One of the best thing of Summer is our wonderful Independence day!! I never really understood this holiday until a couple years ago in a middle school class (like 9th grade)...and after I actually knew what it was for, I totally fell in love with it!!! 
(Because in China, we don't have The Forth of July!! 
Crazy right??)

So, it became one of the holidays that is so unique to me, and one that I really cherish and love. And I mean I just love everything about it! 

I love being outside in the wonderful weather, barbecuing with my family, laughing and just plain having fun. =)

I love the ability to celebrate the fact that I an American in this wonderful country. I love that we have a special day to be reminded of that freedom that we have in this country. 
(It's really just awesome.)

Freedom really is a gift. So many people died for this country just so we can have that freedom. And not only that, our own Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ created this wonderful planet, and made a great Plan of Salvation just so we can have the said freedom and AGENCY. 

It was so important to them that even our own Savior sacrificed himself for all of us on this Earth, just so we can have our own agency, and to choose to go back and live with him forever one day. 

Our agency is really a special gift, but sometimes it is so hard for us to use it, and make the choices that we NEED to make. I know, because that is what I have been struggling with too, but this 4th of July holiday has taught me something: 
We need to cherish and love our very own Agency

We have to use it, and not let it slip from our fingertips. It is truly a wonderful and loving gift our Father in Heaven, and Savior has given us. And I know that when we start using it in the correct, and responsible way, we will feel the love, support, and peace we are all looking for in every single aspect of our lives.

 Sometimes it's hard to do that, I know, but I have faith that by using my agency, I will find happiness. And that is really one of the most important things in life. =) I hope you will too! that I pour out all my feelings for the 4th of July, freedom, and agency, I think I will just get to the fun, and more exiting part of this post: 

The activities, and pictures of my wonderful holiday. =) 

I got my face painted!! =)
 Isn't it so festive and pretty?? 
Before the city fireworks! =)
I love this girl!!! 
Me and my sister love taking weird pictures..and fireworks!!! It was really nice spending time with her, watching the beautiful beautiful fireworks above us. [oh, and mom was there too.. =)]

Fireworks!!! =) 

My sister, me, and my best friend Amber.
We were in the middle of doing our own fireworks!! =) 
So, sometimes I come up with great spontaneous ideas, and guess what?? After the BBQ that night, I was like 'Hey! Lets get a bunch of friends together and do fireworks together!!!' with like 4 hours till midnight....But you know what? It was all good because at the end, it was a great turn out!! Did fireworks all the way until 12:30 AM!! =) So much fun!!! 

Well, there you have it! =) Other then the lack of pictures of my BBQ with my family, this is what my awesome holiday consist of!! =) I hope you guys had an awesome one too!! 

Have a absolutely wonderful day!! =) 

Thursday, July 5, 2012


A moment can change anything. A moment can change EVERYTHING. It doesn't matter where that moment comes from, and it doesn't matter where or when it ends. All that matters is what the moment was about, and what impact it had in your life....

We always want so much in this world. We love to plan everything out in our minds, or on a piece of paper, but we never know what life brings to us. Nothing is ever constant. And guess what? That is what makes life so much fun and meaningful! 

We don't have to know everything in the world. We don't need to plan out every single moments of our lives. All we need to do is to live it. Believe in it. Trust it, and love it. That's all. And those moments will come when everything will change for the better, or for the worst. Those moments, good or bad, will become our memories. 

 People always tell us to "look at the big picture", and that is true. You can't ever forget what life is suppose to be for, and what we can achieve in the long run, but don't want to forget a small moment either. 

I know I talk about this concept a lot, but I just couldn't keep myself from bringing it up again. I had an experience a couple days ago when I really realized the impact those tiny moments make in our lives. It is a little more personal then I can I won't. But what I will share is what I felt afterwards.

That experienced humbled me. It made me realize that we have moments in our lives to makes us change and grow. Some of those moments can someday define us. I know for me, I will never forget that one moment. It made me really see WHO I wanted to be. 

Not just a regular girl going through regular day stuff. Not a girl who take things for granted. I want to be a person that cherishes every single moment in her life. NO matter the bad, or the good. 

Of course, even for me, that is a lot easier said then done. Life is so hard sometimes. Hard enough sometimes that you just forget how to cherish those moments. You forget the love you feel for this wonderful opportunity to be on this earth. There are moments when all you remember is the pain you are going through, and the darkness that you feel. 

I know, because I have felt that too. But you know what I figured out from my humbling experience? I figured out that those bad moments are the ones that are going to matter the MOST. Of course they are not fun, and they are painful, but if you really think about it, those hard, trying moments are the ones that CHANGE you forever. 

We have all heard the song "Stronger" by Kelly Clarkson. It's a great song right? And I think it has a really good point. What doesn't kill you in life, just makes you stronger FOR life. And that is something we always have to remember. The hard moments in our lives that stick with us forever, are the times that are going to make us stronger for whatever we need to face in our future. 

Those hard moments combined with the good moments, and it makes what we know as life. (That might not be how it works completely, but you my mind, it is.) But seriously, we have to have some bad mixed in with the good. =) That is the only way we can really cherish the awesome moments we have in our lives.  And at the end of our lives, our families and memories are all that really matters. 

I don't know if what I have said today made any sense today. I know that in my mind, it all makes sense. I guess the main point of all of this is just how much moments mean to our lives. At least MY life. And I don't ever want to pass a moment by, not remembering to cherish it, and love it. 

I hope you guys all do your best to realize those moments. Don't just let them pass you by. No matter if you bring you happiness or pain. Cherish them all, and remember that those are the moments that will become your memories. Try your best to be your best. Because as always, I am. =) 

I hope you all have a absolutely, beautiful day!!! =) 

With lots of love,

Monday, July 2, 2012

A FHE Night out! =)

 Oh, what a fun time I had tonight! I can't imagine it going any better then it did tonight! 

Because guess what happened tonight? Family Home Evening! 

Me and my awesome roommate! 
Now, just so you all know, I am not one for going to an activity where there will be a lot of people, and a lot of noise. It kind of makes me nervous, and I feel really overwhelmed in those situations. So, as a result, I usually don't go..

But tonight, thanks to some of my awesome roommates, they convinced me to go. 

And I have to say, it was one of the best night I have had in a while. I don't remember laughing that much, or for that long in a very, very long time. =) It was so much fun to just laugh and joke with my roommates. 

The sunset was really quite pretty!
You know, in life we kind of get overwhelmed by a lot of things. And sometimes we forget to take a moment and just laugh and have fun. 

We forget how nice it is to take a walk with a friend, family member, or a significant other and just watch the sun set below the mountain, or stop to smell the flowers on the way. 

I just lover her!
She stopped and smelled all the flowers!
I know I certainly forget to take moments in my day and just appreciate what I have, and just have FUN. But it's okay, because tonight, I finally took that moment, and had the funnest time ever! =) 
[Okay, not ever, but it totally felt like it...]

I never realize how something as simple as sitting outside on the stairwell, or spending time to make food with my roommates can make me so happy, and so relaxed! =) 

And on that note, can I just say how much I love all my roommates?! I can't think of any other group of girls else I would rather live with for the past couple of months, and the next couple to come. They never fail to make me feel loved, and special. They truly make me sooooo happy. 
(Our laughing sessions are the best!) 

All these wonderful girlies have been put into my life by the power of God, and I can't ever be grateful and thankful enough for how much they do for me. They teach me so much, and help me through so much, I don't know what I would do without them. =)

I want them to know how much they all mean to me, and how much I cherish and love their friendship. <3 

I hope all of you will take some time out of your busy days to just enjoy the small and beautiful moments. Take some time and just laugh. Take a moment and spend it with a roommate, friend or a family member. 

Don't get super overwhelmed by life. I know life is hard, but there is more then just the hard parts. Because if we let those parts in life stop us from having fun, then it will be harder then it ever needs to be! (Trust me!) =) 

Hope you all have a great night! Enjoy the moments, and enjoy the laughs! 

Peace! <3

Saturday, June 30, 2012

A clean feeling is a good feeling. =)

Hey guys!!! =) 

So guess what I have been doing all day long? CLEANING! Isn't that the best thing ever? 

Don't get me wrong, I love cleaning, but after you spend 1.5 hours scrubbing the floor, the appeals of it kind of dies down, don't you think? =) 

Anyways, so this morning I woke up, took one look at the kitchen, and said to myself,"Today, I will clean this tornado mess..!" 

And guess what?? I did!!! =) I am really quite bummed that I forgot to take a before picture, but I did get an after picture, so you guys will just have to imagine a regular college student kitchen after a tornado hit it. haha.... 
(but seriously...)
I really do love a clean kitchen! 

So, I never quite realize the satisfaction that cleaning gives me. It is so nice to be sitting and walking at the table in a clean kitchen. I just can't quite explain it, but if this is what happens after you scrub the floor, I think I will do it more often. =) 
(not really...I'll just make someone else do it...) 

But it is more then just having a clean kitchen. I think it is more of the happy feeling you get after you accomplished and finished something that was really hard. 

There are things in life that just aren't easy, like scrubbing the kitchen floor and doing the dishes... =) But if we spend time on them, and give it our full effort, it will be payed off in the end. 

Never be afraid to do something that is hard for you. Don't be scared of the failure. In stead, stand up, take a deep breath, and push on through with full speed. NO matter if it is as simple as scrubbing the floor and wishing the dishes, taking a super hard exam, or something as hard as over coming illness and disability. 

Yes, sometimes you may fail in life. But if you keep working on it, you will succeed. And at that moment when you finally win, you will feel so much better about yourself, and know that you are stronger then you were at the beginning.

Haha, I know this is a little deep for something as simple as cleaning, but I just feel sooooo proud of myself tonight! =) 

It really does make me feel really good to have a clean kitchen! I hope that this post have inspired you a little bit, even if it was getting you to do some dishes. =) 

Have an awesome night!  

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